PhD Opportunities

Are you interested in applying for a PhD @ RMIT? Please read the following carefully!

Before you submit your application via the RMIT Process, you will need first to identify a potential supervisor.

If you are interested in my supervision you must do the following:

  1. First of all, familiarize yourself with the DR221 PhD (Computer Science) program at RMIT and make sure you meet the Entry Requirements for the program.
  2. Then, check and study my areas of work through my publications and find a common interest. if you do not, then it means you need to look for some other staff in the school, as I almost always do not take students who are not interested in working on the areas that I have expertise and interest in.
  3. Contact me to check if we would be compatible by sending me the following information via email:
    • The area that you would like to pursue a PhD under my supervision (e.g., Modelling agent systems, agent reasoning, games and AI, testing agent systems, etc) and what experience you have on them, if any.
    • If you have publications already, send me the one you consider to be your best, including the venue it was published in.
    • The 2-3 papers of mine that got your attention that you would be interested in working around. Please explain what you liked about those papers and what can be improved or studied further.
    • A title and a brief description of a problem/project you would like to work on.
  4. If all of the above goes well and I agree to go forward, then your next step is to develop a 1-2 page research proposal describing a potential research project (including aims, methodology, expected outcomes, etc).
    • The purpose of this is to allow me/us to evaluate the suitability of your project, the overlap with my research, and its chance of success. You have to include this as part of your application.
    • The proposal must be original and the product of your own work. It should also be aligned with my areas of work.
  5. Once you have your proposal written, you can send it to me and I will let you know whether it is suitable for me to be your potential supervisor in your application. It may be fine, or perhaps it may need some revision, or perhaps you may need to consider a different supervisor that better fits the proposal.
    • While the proposal is part of the application, it is not a “contract” with the supervisor.
    • Do not put down my name before following all the above steps and I have agreed to the proposal.
  6. Once you have the above (potential supervisor and a research proposal), you can then submit your application via the RMIT process at:

Regarding funding available for your program, in addition to some opportunities that I may have (see here), you can search the RMIT site to find the webpages for these scholarships: