
The Agents Group is part of the Intelligent Systems area within the Computer Science discipline of the School of Science. The group has basically three main areas of reasearch: agent reasoning (e.g., goal reasoning, plan coordination, failure recovery, goal-plan conflict/resolution, etc.), agent-oriented software engineering (e.g., design, testing, software methodologies & tools, automatic code generation, etc.) and agent-based simulation (including serious games and interactive simulation, application areas focussing on climate change adaptation and environmental issues.) Besides these three main areas, staff members are involved in other related areas, such as logic and automated reasoning, computational linguistics, automated planning, machine learning, reasoning about action, etc. The group is also active within Agents-VIC. In general, the group has interest and expertise in the following areas:

We are always interested in hosting visiting researchers and periodically have postdoc positions available. Please contact John Thangarajah if you are interested in visiting our group.